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Presentation Request Form

UL Police Department is pleased to be an active member of our community.  Should your organization or department wish to host a presentation or training involving UL Police, please complete the Presentation Request Form below and click the submit button at the bottom of this page.

Fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.

First Name of person making request
Last Name of person making request
Contact number including area code
What organization or department are you representing?
What is your title with this organization or department?
What is the name of your event?
What is the date of your event?
What is the time of your event?
Where will your event be held?
What issue or topic you would like the presenter to cover?
What is the approximate duration of your event?
How long will the speaker talk?
Is there audio or video available such as PC, Projection, Screen, Etc?
How many people are you expecting at your event?
Additional comments about your event.