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Get A Copy Of A Report

- Call (337) 482-5007 between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm after five (5) to ten (10) business days to check on the case status.

- At the time of pickup, the requestor must have a receipt from the Student Union, Room 135, showing payment for the copy. See the applicable fees below.

Fees are as follows:


Vehicle Crash Reports - $11.50

Vehicle Crash Statements - $1.00 Each (Per Page)

Initial Incident Report - $5.00 Each (Per Page)

Employment Background Check - $5.00 (User Agreement “Release Form” Required)


Reproduction of Crash Videos/Photographs (UL Lafayette Only) - $20.00

Reproduction of Body Cam Videos - $30.00


On Campus:  Payments are accepted at the Student Cashier's Office located in Room 135 of the Student Union. Bring a copy of the receipt to the University Police Department in Bittle Hall.

Off Campus: Mail check or money order to University of Louisiana at Lafayette, PO Box 43557, Lafayette, LA 70504.